I grew up in St. Louis. I have built my career here. This is the place I want to stay and maybe have a family some day.
People in St. Louis agree on some of the most important issues: Public safety, schools, constituent services, and citywide development and promotion.
Here's where I am on those things:
We need to make sure police officers are getting the support they need. That means fully staffing the police department, offering good pay and benefits to officers, and incorporating social workers and counselors so that people get the services they need and police officers can get back on the beat more quickly. The Office of Violence Prevention and Opioid Task Force are crucial parts of that. We need to get rid of cash bail. Finding ways to keep people out of prison, out of trouble, means addressing the root causes of poverty. If something the City is doing is adding to those causes, we need to recognize that and make a change. In the same way, if something the City is doing is making it harder to be a good police officer, we need to recognize that and make a change.
We need to limit TIFs to only (actually) blighted areas so that school districts do not miss out on tax revenue. We need to support the Children's Savings program started in the Treasurer's office to put kids on the pipeline for college and union apprenticeships, not the pipeline to prison.
Every person - regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or income - has a right to control their own bodies, genders, sexuality, and lives as they see fit. Abortion is healthcare.
We need to streamline how City services are delivered, and take advantage of the ward reduction process to do so. A call from an alderman should not mean the difference between waiting a week or waiting a year for something to get done or getting information about where your project is in the pipeline. We should not privatize the airport or any City asset, but if that's ever on the table, it should require a public vote. We need to work with the County to find ways to be more efficient and more accountable.
I could not run for office without centering the environment. Climate change begins at home. Development needs to be sustainable and storm water - where it goes and what is in it - has to be considered. We need to keep our promise to get St. Louis to 100% renewable energy by 2035.
St. Louis is a great city. Not "was," "is." We need to act like it.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my thoughts and look forward to lively discussion. It is only through finding common ground and working towards those causes with gusto that we will be able to accomplish great things.
Keep checking back on this page for more of my thoughts and positions as we go along. Please do not hesitate to reach out!
I’d love to hear from you! Please do not hesitate to reach out at annemschweitzer@gmail.com or 314-420-4406.
Paid for by Citizens for Anne Schweitzer, Jane Schweitzer, Treasurer